Heart Tones Birth Services is looking for doulas to join the team

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Hi there fellow birth workers,

Heart Tones Birth Services is looking for doulas who want to come on as part of the team! Let me tell you a little more about me and the business:

  • I’m Beth Hardy, owner and founder of Heart Tones Birth Services. I’m a birth doula, postpartum doula, childbirth educator and Board-Certified Music Therapist. I am a white, cis, queer woman who was born in CO and has lived all over the place, and moved to SLC in 2015. I have 2 kids, ages 2 and 5. I’m very business minded, absolutely love owning and growing my own business, and have established myself as a sought-after doula in the SLC area.

  • Heart Tones Birth Services has been a leading provider of doula services in SLC since 2015. We were named “Best Doulas” in City Weekly’s 2022 Body + Mind issue, and “Best UT Doula” by the 2020 Empowering Fearless Birth event.

  • The business has been growing every year, and in 2021 we served 22 clients. In 2022, we’re set to surpass that number by at least double.

  • In 2021 and 2022, Heart Tones Birth Services received a donation that has allowed us to provide several scholarship births at no cost to the client. These scholarships allow us to serve even more clients who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford a doula.

Here’s what I’m looking for in the doula(s) that come on as part of the team:

  • Someone who has been a doula for at least a year and/or attended at least 5 births. If you don’t have much birth experience yet but you still think you’d be a great fit, please still reach out and we can talk. There may be opportunities for learning/shadowing/apprenticing.

  • Someone who is interested and able to take on 2-4 births per month. This won’t always be the case since doula work ebbs and flows, but it’s a possibility in certain months.

  • Someone who is able to take births in Salt Lake County. If you live outside Salt Lake County, you must be willing to drive to SLC to attend prenatals and births.

  • Someone who has been fully vaccinated and boosted against Covid-19

  • Someone who has reliable transportation and childcare if you have kids at home. Doula work is unpredictable, and our clients rely on us to be able to rearrange our lives in order to be with them when they need us.

  • Someone who has great communication skills, works well as part of a small team, and takes feedback and suggestions well.

  • Someone who is actively working toward their own unlearning of the systemic racism, classism, homophobia, transphobia, fatphobia, ablism, and patriarchy that is woven through our society and medical systems. This doesn’t mean you’ve figured it all out, it just means you’re willing to look at how you can always be doing better at de-centering yourself and providing unbiased care to the clients you serve. It also means you’re willing to have hard conversations when someone calls you in about a mistake you may have made or people you may have hurt.

If you’re interested in learning more and seeing if you’d be a good fit for the team, email hearttonesbirth@gmail.com. I can’t wait to talk to you!
