Drumming with Doulas = My New Favorite Thing.

Doulas are pretty amazing people – they have a vast knowledge of how to help people feel comfortable, cared for, and supported.  They aren’t afraid of touch and don’t even flinch at blood, sweat or tears. And when a bunch of doulas get together in a mountain cabin for a weekend of rest, relaxation, connection, sisterhood, creativity and fun, it’s pretty much the best.  That was my experience at this year’s Utah Doula Association fall retreat.
I am new-ish to the area, so this was a really great chance for me to meet more doulas and chat with some that I’d met before.  The weekend was full of awesome rituals like a salt bowl, silk empowerment painting, creation of our own personal “power sticks,” and dancing.  But my favorite part of the weekend was the incredible drum circle that I had the pleasure of leading.

I have lead a big handful of drum circles in the past, but this was by far my favorite. Everyone put aside their fears and hesitations about drumming in a group and just dove right in.  The energy was absolutely electric and people even shared that they could hear our ancestors singing in the overtones created by the drums.  We danced, sang, and let our inner goddesses out to play. 

I got some pretty wonderful feedback from people about their experience with the drum circle, but I think my favorite came from Wendy Rush. She said:

“I recently attended a drum circle lead by the lovely and powerful Beth Hardy. She instantly and expertly began leading the group in cooperative beats that bound us together and bound us all to her. We would have done anything for her. After each guided set, she'd bring our awareness to ourselves and our connection with the group. The circle validated a lot that I feel about myself as a person. During the circle, I remembered that I don't like to follow the group, that I like to change things up, and I love I dance! But no matter what I did, I still had a place, and my place was accepted and harmonious within the group. There were others that steadily held their beat and never faltered. They were essential to the circle, and even though I don't choose that path, I rejoiced in their steady unwavering hands. I have rarely felt so genuinely connected to a group of humans. And through it all, Beth stood guiding us and giving us courage. It was a transformative and healing experience. Thank you for being a goddess and sharing your gifts with us, Beth!"
The lovely Wendy Rush at the drum circle.

The lovely Wendy Rush at the drum circle.

I was honored to be able to lead this circle, and hope to do more drumming with doulas soon.

All of these amazing photos were taken by Megan Phillips Capps of Gentle Journey Doula Services.