The BirthRoot Classroom: An Online Childbirth Prep Class For the Rest of Us

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[Note: this post was updated 9/14/21]

“We’re looking for a childbirth class that is inclusive of trans people. We don’t want to walk in and have to educate the instructor all about trans stuff. We want them to already know about us and feel comfortable teaching us.” 

This is what a recent couple told me during our first meeting together. They are trying to get pregnant, and wanted to meet with me to discuss the process and get support from a LGBTQ+ friendly doula. They are a gay couple, and Jamie*, the parent who will be carrying the baby, is a transgender man. They are in the beginning stages of the pregnancy journey, and are looking into all their options when it comes to providers, birthing locations, and childbirth prep classes. As a transgender man, Jamie already knows that his pregnancy will be filled with challenges that cisgender people just don’t have to deal with, like educating pretty much every provider about what it means to be trans, how trans men can still get pregnant, and on and on. They are going into this with their eyes wide open, and want to find the providers who will help them along the journey with as much understanding, support, advocacy, and open-mindedness as possible. 

I replied to their comment about wanting an inclusive childbirth prep class with some hesitation, “well, I know of some excellent childbirth educators, but you may still have to do some advocating and educating. I don’t know of any local childbirth prep classes that specifically cater to LGBTQ people.” I suggested they may want to do private classes, but those are usually more expensive, and money is a factor for this couple. I left the meeting feeling a bit discouraged, and wishing there were more birth-related services that specifically focus on trans and gender-nonconforming people.

A Childbirth Preparation Course for the Rest of Us

A few months ago I received an email from Lex Londino, a certified nurse midwife in Ithaca, New York. They had seen my blog post about how to make your birth business more LGBTQ+ inclusive, and asked if I’d be willing to check out their new online childbirth prep course, The BirthRoot Classroom, and write a blog post about my thoughts. I immediately went to the course website and dug into the content, and watched the free preview of the Introduction Module of the course. My first reaction to the Introduction Module video was how clear, understandable and accessible all the information was. Lex’s teaching style is thoughtful, friendly, and never feels rushed. The course is inclusive of LGBTQIA+ people, people of color, and single parents. Anyone and everyone can take this course and see themselves reflected in the content, which can’t be said for most of the childbirth prep classes out there. 

Anyone and everyone can take this course and see themselves reflected in the content, which can’t be said for most of the childbirth prep classes out there. 


What This Course Offers

First of all, The BirthRoot Classroom is JUST $125. Most childbirth prep classes are quite a bit more than that, and many of them don’t offer all the perks you get with this class:

  • Lifetime access to the course

  • Eight evidence-based modules with videos, downloads, worksheets, resources, audio recordings, and links

  • Over 15 hours of video walking you through every step of preparing for childbirth and parenting

  • Lifetime access to the private facebook group

  • Email, phone, or video conference support for questions or problems

  • Language, materials, and images that include and celebrate families from all walks of life.

For people who have busy lives, it can be hard to commit to an in-person childbirth prep class. This class is all online, so you can take it at your convenience, and re-watch any modules that you want to brush up on later. 


A Gap in the Birth World

I’m so excited that Lex has created a course like this. There is a huge gap in the birth world for people who identify as trans or gender-nonconforming. There needs to be more content out there for ALL people, so that all birthing parents can feel the support and respect that they deserve. I can’t wait to share The Birthroot Online Childbirth Preparation Course with all my clients! 

Check out the course HERE! 


*names have been changed to protect client privacy.