Welcome, Chelsea!

Hey everyone, it’s Beth here. I’m so thrilled to share this huge announcement with you all: I have a new doula partner, Chelsea Udell! I’m going to tell you a bit about why I wanted a partner and how our partnership will work, and then I’m going to turn it over to Chelsea to introduce herself to you.

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Why work with a doula partner?

I’ve been a doula since 2011, and most of that time my doula work has been very sporadic. I would have a birth here and there, but only in the past few years have I really buckled down and made doula work my main priority. At the same time I was really working to get my doula business off the ground, I also had two kids. My youngest is about 5 months old, and my oldest is 3. Having kids really made it clear that something would have to shift with my doula business if I wanted to keep attending births, while also maintaining connection with my family. Doula work is on-call work, and I can sometimes be gone for 24+ hours at a birth. That doesn’t really jive with having young kids at home.

I began thinking about looking for a doula partner a year or so ago, but was scared to put it out there. What if I didn’t find someone who was the right fit? Or what if I did? That would mean I would have to fully commit to moving past any fear of growth, and commit 100% to making my doula business successful. Well, I finally posted about wanting a doula partner on my local doula facebook group, and was thrilled to get several responses right away! I met with a handful of doulas over coffee, and all of them were awesome in their own ways. But when I met Chelsea, there was just something that clicked, and I knew that she was the doula that I wanted for my partner.

Over the past several months, Chelsea and I have been working hard to get ready for this launch, and I’m so glad the day is finally here!

How will it all work?

We believe that when it comes to birth, two doulas are better than one! When our clients choose to work with us, they are giving themselves the gift of not only one, but two knowledgable doulas who can share their combined wisdom and experience.

During our prenatal sessions, our clients will have two experienced doulas who can answer their questions and make suggestions in preparation for birth. And because we’ll be working in 12-hour shifts at births, our laboring clients will always have a doula who is rested, refreshed, and ready to give them 100% of her focus and energy.

And now, introducing Chelsea!

Hi, I’m Chelsea Udell! My passion for doula work started with the experience of my own first child. I experienced a lack of education and interaction among my care providers as I tried to make sense of the medical interventions and the newness of pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum world. It was the perfect storm without the proper tools to know how to anchor my vessel.

With my previous medical experience as well as my passion to educate parents, I’m one you can depend on to always be there for support. In my practice, I use hands-on techniques and I’m equipped with the knowledge needed to help you make informed decisions for the quality of care you and your baby deserve. One of my favorite quotes is from an African proverb, "It takes a village to raise a child." I hope to be a part of your village!

We can’t wait to work with you!

We’re taking clients with due dates in January 2020 and beyond. If you’d like to meet with us for a free consultation, get in touch!